The VR Revolution Is Here…
How To Sell High Ticket VR Clients, Sell Subscriptions and Build a Wildly Profitable Virtual Tour Digital Media Company
Provide A NEW Service Local Businesses Desperately Need
(And make an easy $250 per hour as often as you want to. Yes, seriously.)
The Golden Age of Virtual Reality Has Arrived
Hey there!
Zach Calhoon here.
And you might know from history class that in the 1920s, radio went from novelty to global adoption.
In the ‘50s, the same thing happened to television.
And now the 2020s is ushering in the widespread use of virtual reality and an untapped diamond mind of opportunity is coming with it.
Today, VR is still new and exciting.
And it doesn’t matter who you are, or how technologically illiterate you may be.
By following a few simple steps, you can make a killing by being one of the few VR providers in your local market.
Anyone Could Do This And Make Serious Money.
Even Grandma.
You don’t have to be “techy” whatsoever. I’m not. Virtually none of my students are, either. In fact, not being a tech person actually makes you better at this business because it makes you more approachable and focused on the practical stuff.
Meet the Virtual Tour Profit System (VTPS)
VTPS is a roadmap to your first $10,000 as a digital media service provider.
You’ll learn how to photograph a venue, room or home and get the simple software to do it.
But this isn’t just some technical course.
Equally important is learning how to find, attract, and close new business.
Because if you’ve ever operated a startup before, you know it’s not just about having the skills.
It’s about having the clients.
That’s why included with VTPS is all the resources you’ll ever need – from cold approach emails to websites to lists of businesses to sell too.
You can literally cut and paste your way to success.
Local Businesses Are Desperate For A Way To Stand Out And Attract Fresh Eyeballs
…And virtual reality tours are like a shortcut for these businesses to attract buyers.
Event spaces…
Vacation homes for rent…
Boats, breweries, nursing homes, anything…
All sorts of businesses are happy to pay you $500 to $2,000 for half an afternoon of work.
Because even though it’s easy (and trust me, it really is easy) you’re offering something not only valuable, but something NEW.
A virtual tour is an immersive, sexy way to learn about a business that truly sets it apart.
Imagine being one of the very first businesses to advertise on TV in the 1940s.
The technology is incredibly persuasive, and incredibly valuable.
With a VR tour, prospects can scope out businesses with a level of convenience the competitors can’t match.
Build A Business Asset In 4 Steps
We created VTPS not just to be a business where you can trade time for money.
We created it so it can make money for you independently of your effort or input.
Like a chain of dominos, you can just tap it into motion and back away, and the company keeps going (while of course you take home the money).
We’ve distilled your entire process into 4 simple steps to get up and running:
1) PRESELL. Narrow down who your customers are. Find out their “pain points” – i.e., how you can scratch their itch with VR photography. (Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to do this and even give you 70+ hungry industries to choose from.)
2) BUILD YOUR TEAM. Now you simply recruit people to do the work. They’ll pick up the phone, photograph the businesses, do the bookkeeping…everything. We have a step-by-step guide about where to find hired help, how much to pay them, and how to train them, but of course you can do it yourself if you want to, and many do.
3) SCALE UP YOUR MARKETING. We give you a website. We give you the marketing content. We even give you emails to send to strangers and phone call scripts that will have people inviting you in.
4) UPSELL. How can you turn a single $800 job into a $100 per month recurring revenue stream where you don’t lift a finger? It’s automatic and businesses are happy to pay it. This is where things really get fun.
The Bleeding Edge of Innovation, But Easy Enough For A Child To Master
In 2016 before CloudPano even existed, I pitched the concept to a room full of business people. I had no camera, no mockups, no anything. Just a dream and a brain full of ideas.
I walked out of that meeting with a page full of people’s contact info, all of them wanting to know more whenever the offer became available. They were interested and wanted my help – and that’s before the business even started!
I walked out of that meeting with a page full of people’s contact info, all of them wanting to know more whenever the offer became available. They were interested and wanted my help – and that’s before the business even started!
With the idea validated, I set to work hiring world-class engineers, software developers and designers to create the software that would eventually become CloudPano.
It had to be:·
And after several years of development, I couldn’t be happier with the final product. I stood on the shoulders of giants and accepted the help of some of the brightest people I’ve ever known to create a solution anyone could use.
Now with over 6,000 tours completed on the platform, the VR movement in only accelerating.
I get it. Starting a whole new business is scary.
I get it. Starting a whole new business is scary.
That’s why I took every step of the business building process and just did it for you.
That means…
There is no guesswork or independent thought required; no skill to learn. You just follow the recipe.
A simple path to $10,000 in pure profit
in your bank account
If you work in photography, media, digital marketing, technology, or any type of local service, you can launch VTPS as a no-brainer upsell.
And if you just want to launch VR Tours as its own standalone offer – that’s fine too! That’s what some of my most successful students are doing.
Either way it’s possible to start from zero and start making a six-figure income in what I think is the easiest way on the planet.
If you simply ask the right people in the right way (which we’ll teach you) people will raise their hand, chase you down, and throw money at you for this service.
I’ve seen it over and over from providers all across the country and it’s only picking up steam.
Not Just Money. FREEDOM.
You’ll get a unique feeling when you start your VTPS journey.
Because you won’t have to report to me or anyone else. You’re the boss. This is a new path where:
And beyond that, there’s the selfish stuff, too. A nicer car. A bigger house. More vacations. Better retirement. Peace of mind. Fancy clothes. Fancy restaurants. Fancy everything.
All things in life become easier.
And the best part is that there’s a whole module in VTPS about how to build a team to take over so you can have more time for yourself and your family.
Set it and forget it.
So you don’t work for a company.
You own a company.
Let me and my team take you by the hand and show you EXACTLY how to win at this. You’ll get:
Hear How Ron Made $10,000 With This Content
Read How Tony Is “Making Bank”
Read How 1 Section of VTPS Is Changing Lives
Buy Today And Get Instant Access:
CloudPano: Pro Plus Membership For 1 Year
+ Power User Training (Value of $897)
The Digital Media Business Blueprint
How To Sell Virtual Tours For Profit (Value of $997)
Outbound Sales Growth Hacking Secrets
How to bootstrap a new local business and scale quickly (Value of $1,997)
Inbound Marketing Program
How To Buy Customers for Profit (Value of $1997)
Outsourcing Mastery Program
How to be resourced for the rest of your business life (Value of $1,997)
Start Up Franchise Kit
Website Template, Sales Design Kit, Slide Deck and Proposal (Value of $2,997)
360 Photography Mastery
How To Photograph, Post-Process and Invoice For MRR (Value $1,748)
The Virtual Tour Profit System
You Thought That Was All? How About These Bonuses!
[Bonus 1] High Ticket Up-Sell Program
I take you behind the scenes with Ron, one of my star students who quadrupled his regular income by picking up VTPS. This includes coaching videos, lead generation campaigns, funnels and advertising walkthroughs. Plus, I include the funnels and automations that you can drop into your own site with once click. (Value of $3475)
[Bonus 2] Private Team Access
When I started VTPS, I had a crack team of professionals who handled the day-to-day work, everything from data mining to photo editing to website developing. Because I truly want to see you succeed, I’m putting you in contact with them directly so you can hit the ground running and not hit a single speed bump. I want to make this FAST and EASY for you.
(Value of $5997)
That’s over $22,000 worth of tutorials, hard-won knowledge, business help, and professional marketing resources.
But our regular price is only $1,997.
Order from this page today and claim a $1,000 discount – get started today for only
Virtual reality is a burgeoning technology. That means it’s still revolutionary, but people are adopting it fast.
Every day, more people enter the industry and start offering 360° photography and competing with you – maybe in your city.
That means every day you wait equates to another sliver of competition outpacing you.
If you truly want to be an early adopter on the ground floor who can charge high rates as an exclusive provider, the time is now.
Beyond that, it goes without saying that the $1,000 discount will not be available forever and I fully plan on shooting the price back up soon.
The return on investment is simply too large not to.
This is a one-time promotion, and when we take it off the market, that yellow button will go to a different sales page and the price will have permanently increased!
The Most Generous Business Promise You’ll Ever See – Satisfaction GUARANTEED
I know for a fact this system works to start, scale, and snowball an enviable (and highly profitable) business.
Every question has been meticulously answered, every potential leak has been plugged.
So I’m not offering a 14-day return guarantee…
Or even a 30-day guarantee…
You’re invited to try the entire VTPS system for 60 days, which is plenty of time to go over the entire program TWICE, and then you can decide if you want to keep it or return it.
And if you aren’t massively impressed and optimistic about this program for any reason, or for no reason at all, just let us know and you’ll get every cent back, no questions asked.
Click this button now and start building the lifestyle you deserve:
A Final Warning:
The entire Virtual Tour Profit System wasn’t created for fun.
It was created because there was a dire NEED.
Not only do companies absolutely thirst for newer, better ways to show off their spaces and attract clientele, but I also created it for my own freedom – and yours too.
The last thing I want for either of us is to grow old and get fed up of the rat race: working for someone else, having a boss decide how much you’re worth, getting up early and commuting every day with your Thermos of coffee in rush hour traffic.
I never wanted that life and I don’t think you do either.
We are capable of so much more than being an employee in someone else’s dream.
So if you’re ready to finally take the reins on life and strike with intention as you build your own success, there’s a button below waiting for you.
Because every second you wait is another second that VR gets a little older and a little less exciting.
Think about the early adopters to Bitcoin.
Or those that made it to the gold rush first.
Early adopters are rewarded.
Take action.
I’ll see you there.
To your success,
Zach Calhoon
Don’t forget! A career that is obscenely profitable… easy to learn… in high-demand… and requires NO outside skill or “figuring things out” … is just a click away.
This is cutting edge technology just waiting to be leveraged. The field is wide open to newcomers, and if you don’t take the opportunity and strike when the iron is hot, and instead want to return back to ho-hum life, then I only wish you the best!